The Coming of the Law【電子書籍】[ Charles Alden Seltzer ]
<p>Charles Alden Seltzer (15 August 1875?9 February 1942) was an American writer. He was a prolific author of western novels, had writing credits for more than a dozen film titles, and authored numerous stories published in magazines, most prominently in Argosy. ?The Coming of the Law” is a story of a young eastern newspaper man who goes West to a small town, and takes charge of a run-down newspaper, fights against an association of cattle rustlers for the benefit of the small ranchers, and wins. The hero is very much of a hero and manages to keep the peace and do justice without using his revolver. A little above the average of western stories, interesting, very exciting in parts and with some good local color. This is a western as only Seltzer could write it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:100円
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オールデン 関連ツイート
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